Definition: In electronics, a multiplexer (or mux) is a device that selects one
of several analog or
digital input signals and forwards the
selected input into a single line. A multiplexer of 2n inputs has n select lines, which are used to select which
input line to send to the output.
Sometimes we need to Display four values in one LCD O/p
Screen so what should we do ? The answer is so simple we use a keypad or any
input to select what we need to display .
That signal is input for micro controller and it
produces two output signals which we use as select lines to the Multiplexer so
that we can select one o/p signal out of four inputs.
The Multiplexer output is fed to the Micro controller, Inside
micro controller converts Analog to Digital and it sends to output port to the
LCD Display.
The LCD Display’s the required values, all this process is
done by msec.
Note : we will use a Driver circuit in between sensor and multiplexer and multiplexer output can be a digital or analog depends on inputs.